We are a small but mighty team, pouring our hearts into making the festival an amazing journey for everyone – whether you’re a presenter, participants, vendor, sponsors or musician/ artist. Your thoughts and feedback are a big deal to us; they help make our festival even better. So, don’t be shy – reach out and share your insights. We are open for your suggestions & feedbacks.

If you are drawn to our festival, chances are you are already a joy-spreader and a change-maker in your own community. We are pretty sure that once you soak up the Nepal Yoga festival vibes, you will be buzzing with the urge to take the goodness even further. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Please check our FAQ pages for general questions. If you have more inquiries use Messenger Chat at the bottom right corner of our current website. Regarding our event based travels, please don’t hesitate to contact us via Email namaste@nepalyogafestival.com / greennepal@nepalyogafestival.com or fill up our contact form below.

We are there for you,Namaste!