Dr. Christine Mason
Author, Yoga-Mindfulness-Meditation Instructor, and Educational Psychologist
An educational psychologist, and kundalini yoga instructor, Chris is lead author of seven recent books on compassionate, heart centered practices, including her best selling book co-published with the Kundalini Research Institute: “Cultivating Happiness, Resilience, and Well-Being through Meditation, Mindfulness, and Movement: A Guide for Educators”
Founder and Senior Scholar at the Center for Educational Improvement, Chris is also an Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale University. She leads teams in improving children’s well-being. Looking to help teachers and schools reduce student anxiety and dysregulation and bring a sense of calmness to their instruction, she is heading the “Cultivating Happiness in Schools” initiative, whose mission is
“to establish consistent and sustainable yoga, mindfulness, and meditation programs in schools, creating an environment where students can engage in yoga as an integral part of their education.
We are dedicated to creating a network of schools offering yoga, mindfulness, and meditation to share best practices and learn from each other.”
This experiential session includes breathwork, chanting, experience with yoga and meditation, and background research and hints for adapting yoga, mindfulness, and meditation in schools, with information on how to join our Cultivating Happiness initiative.
Suggested format: 60-90 minutes; I can present with or without a PowerPoint. If there are live musicians, it is always a treat to work with them in presenting.